Boosting Efficiency: Terrarium Team Slashes Disk and RAM Usage by 20% I was a fresh-faced newcomer to the tech world when I joined Synerise 1.5 years ago, with no commercial experience and just a few small projects done by myself.
TerrariumDB: Enhancing Performance by optimizing QT Library during OS migration In TerrariumDB team we are always trying to use the latest and safest technologies in order to provide our clients with the best user experience and best efficiency.
Synerise Terrarium DB - a massive scale in-memory & disk storage built from scratch Terrarium is a column and row store engine designed specifically for behavioral intelligence, real-time data processing, and is the core of the Synerise platform. It simultaneously processes data heavy analytics while executing various business scenarios in real-time.
Fourier Feature Encoding Pre-processing raw input data is a very important part of any machine learning pipeline, often crucial for end model performance. What is more, different fields of ML require different methods to represent relevant information from the input domain in machine-readable format – as numerical vectors. In image processing, we can use
Why We Need Inhuman AI Self-driving cars do not yet roam the streets. AI has yet to wait to independently generate a computer game or a larger piece of software, and chatbot assistants are only carefully deployed with human assistants as backup. We continuously wonder how much longer it will take until AI reaches human
Efficient integer pair hashing In data science, we sometimes need to calculate hash functions of unsigned 32-bit integer tuples. This need can arise in simple use cases such as efficient pairs counting, but also in approximate data structures which require fast hashing. Such data structures provide a tradeoff between accuracy and speed/memory storage:
How we challenge the Transformer Having achieved remarkable successes in natural language and image processing, Transformers have finally found their way into the area of recommendation. Recently, researchers from NVIDIA and Facebook AI joined forces to introduce Transformer-based recommendation models described in their RecSys2021 publication Transformers4Rec: Bridging the Gap between NLP and Sequential / Session-Based Recommendation,
EMDE Illustrated EMDE – motivations, explanations and intuitions In this article we provide some intuitive explanations of our objectives and theoretical background of the Efficient Manifold Density Estimator (EMDE). We describe our inspirations and thought process which led to the formulation of the algorithm. Then, we dive further into technicalities to show how
Towards a multi-purpose behavioral model In various subfields of AI research, there is a tendency to create models which can serve many different tasks with minimal fine-tuning effort. Stanford researchers introduced the concept of foundation models, which are trained on massive datasets and can be adapted to different downstream applications. We may think this way
Cleora: how we handle billion-scale graph data (and you can too) We have recently open sourced Cleora — an ultra fast vertex embedding tool for graphs & hypergraphs []. Cleora can ingest any categorical, relational data and turn it into vector embeddings of entities. It is extremely fast, while offering very competitive quality of results. In fact, for